Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Tale of The Five Burger Day

Starring Jim Colvill and told in Haiku

a challenge starts here

the first burger for breakfast

was nothing special


changes to trepidation

burger two still falls

a side of french fries

on the plate of burger three

make the last bite sweet

burgers four and five

vanish in the parking lot

Oregon drive through

Golden Gate





Let them carry cake in Tuscon.

How's it feelin in there? Cool?

In this heat, your words fall on deaf ears old man.

Rone Star

I thought Austin was supposed to be "mellow." Anyway, I touched the stuff and I'm still alive to blog about it.

Old El Paso.

Our breakfast location. No English menus were available.

Juarez on the other side of the fence.


New Orleans

layBul Maker

I may have found my voice.

It allows me to communicate effectively . . .

. . . and express myself freely.

Choice aplenty

Old tymes.

What a steal.

Slim pickins

Sometimes we are desperate for food.

Othertimes we just want to get involved.

Occasionally we are shocked, confused, and saddened.

Laying Bulame in Bultimore

BV-CVX conducts Roja insertion . . .

. . . while Steve-O looks on in silence.

The mission was not without casualties.

However, our data indicates that enemy losses were higher.

How we are referred to

To come between a man and his name, Steve-O, is a dangerous proposition.

James Colvill and Richard Zerbo of Brooklyn-based indie-label The Social Registry will confirm.

Mood furtherment in Birmingham, AL

Sian Alice Group fall 2009 US tour

Crook sets the mood in Philly.